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Welcome to the 8th Wealth Management Forum in Athens, Greece.
Following the success of our previous events, Financial-Academy.eu organizes the 8th Wealth Management Forum. The forum will focus on the global macro dynamics and investments while taking a closer look at the new technological trends regarding the industry. What are the broad persistent drivers of return that underlie all asset classes? What are the benefits and opportunities that factor-based investing offers to both institutional and retail investors? Diversified Growth Funds have seen a significant rise in popularity over recent years, now forming part of many, if not most, institutional or private investor investment strategies. What is the new era of technological changes taking place in the wealth management and investments industry? How this can affect the daily tasks of a Wealth Management Advisor? What are the Regulatory developments in the field of Asset Management? What are blockchain and cryptocurrencies? This conference will exclusively feature dialogue driven panel discussions led by industry leaders. The conference will also facilitate networking with other delegates.
Panel I:
PART A – Global Macro view
PART B – Latest Trends in the Investments Industry
(Presentations and discussion panel)
Panel II
Robo Advisory, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Legal Issues

Frontistis Athanasios
Cryptocurrencies advisor, MSc in Finance, Pension Funds - Global Money Managers (GMM)
Dr. Lazarakou Vassiliki
Partner, L&L Law Firm, Former Vice Chair of the Hellenic Capital Markets CommissionPanel I:
PART A – Global Macro view
- "Multi Asset capabilities" Tanzmeister Jakob
PART B – Latest Trends in the Investments Industry
- "Diversified Growth Funds - Experience, Perspectives and the future" Cronje Stephan
- "“Factor investing – the next revolution in investment management”" Dr. Tessaromatis Nikos
- "Multi Asset capabilities" Tanzmeister Jakob
Panel II
Robo Advisory, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Legal Issues
- "Robo advisory and savings culture: First seed then cultivate" Dr. Krintas Theodore
- "Cryptocurrencies: A powering innovation in the financial services industry" Frontistis Athanasios
- "Capital Markets Law Issues relating to New Technologies: Robo Advisory and Blockchain" Dr. Lazarakou Vassiliki